Thursday, March 25, 2010

Four Down, One to Go


I didn't want a big birthday celebration, so I am having five small ones. This was taken last night in St. Louis.
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Left to right: My brother Robert Otterson II, my daughter Lori Smith Jennaway, my granddaughter, Madeline Lucille Wood, me, my husband Sam.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


I prefer to let them just sliiiiiiiiiiiiide right by without acknowledgment. This year I am having one of those decade-turning birthdays. This one may mark my entry into my second childhood. I asked for a basketball and a bicycle. When I was a kid, maybe about 10, I got a basketball and a BB gun. Some things don't change that much....

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Smart Fair



Sam and I went with Lori and Lucie to Lucie's Smart Fair at St. Margaret of Scotland last night. Lucie's topic was Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection. It was very interesting to see their work and hear them explain their topics.
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