Saturday, June 30, 2007

Sam is retired!!!

We celebrated Sam's last day of work with a few of his co-workers at Hedman Winery and B&B in Alto Pass, Illinois, which is owned by a couple from Sweden. Sam is 50% pure Swedish, so it was the perfect place to celebrate. We had wine and dinner with his co-workers, and then Sam and I spent the night at the B&B. It was a fitting way to mark his passage into the retired lifestyle.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Our Latest Excitement

Sam has been invited by the producer of a reality series to participate in an air race. There are only 50 planes, and each plane is to have another pilot in the second seat. However, Sam does not have dual controls, so he got permission to take me. Talk about a challenge. He's up to it. I don't know if I am! Here's the link that tells about the race.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Local Newspaper Article

While doing my workout, Lisa Legere, the Curves manager, was asking me questions about my hobby. Without even taking notes, she wrote the following article for the local newspaper. I couldn't get the whole article in my scanner, so it doesn't show the photo of the Lake Kinkaid painting.